Tuesday 30 November 2010

Pharaonic Egyptian family life

The ancient Egyptians look for marriage as a sacred bond, Render therefore family life a high degree of appreciation and respect. This clearly shows the many statues and texts that depict men and women in intimate association, worm, and rely on each other; addition to statues that Tsourallowaddin with children.


The major popular royal marriage between the ancient Egyptians; to ensure social equity between spouses, and strengthen the ties of ownership. It was also possible to select the bride from among close knowledge of the family. The age of marriage for girls about 12 years old. The families of the couple usually share the costs of marriage. While the groom and his family are given an appropriate amount of money (as a sort of dowry) and provide a home to stay; the bride's family were providing furniture and chattels. The ceremonies and banquets are held on the occasion;, where he will meet members of the two families to celebrate, as they were offering gifts to the newlyweds, from relatives and friends. The Egyptians knew this tradition throughout history.

The family members share the tasks and responsibilities; was for each of them a specific role, so things are going in the softer and smoother and pleased. In small houses the mother take charge of all matters pertaining to the house; cooking, cleaning and child care. The largest reserves to domestic houses doing business, and midwives to help the mother.

The ancient Egyptians are proud of much of their children; and regarded them as a pond and a great boon. If the campus a couple of children, they were heading to the goddesses and gods; anticipation of help and assistance. If the couple fails, however in childbearing; adoption was among the choices available.

The ancient Egyptians used children to play with dolls, and other toys, so they grow up. The young boys learning the craft from their parents or from expert craftsman practitioner. The girls worked well, and received their training at home at the hands of mothers. The Haves are sending their children, beginning from the age of seven, to school; to learn religion, writing and arithmetic. With the absence of proof of the existence of schools for girls, some of them were receiving their education houses; basis in reading and writing, while some of them became doctors.

The women's privileged position in the family and social life. While it was expected of women of child-rearing and care homework, there was some work available to them. And some women have managed farms and businesses in the absence of their husbands or children. As the women were employed in the royal court and temples; كلاعبي Acrobat, dancers, singers and musicians. And affluent families hired maids (and bridesmaids) or nannies to help with the housework and child-rearing. The Alnpilat could become priestesses. It is women who worked Knadbat professionals in funerals, and perfume makers. The women were their own resources, independent from their husbands; as if they have the right to own and dispose of independent property, sale or grant or commandment: according to desire. Be, at the same time, are responsible for their actions fully responsible before the law. And the woman who was condemned, before the courts, in the great crime; were punishable by death: but after the court to make sure she was not pregnant. If you find women sentenced to death pregnant, her execution was postponed until after the birth of her child.

And there was a constant need in ancient Egypt of the labor force; since the economy was dependent, such as the adoption of civilization itself - on agriculture. The planting in mind that the large number of family members to ensure a higher income. The Egyptian Environmental conditions (social), in light of the tremendous abundance of food; combined with lower costs, may exempt the ancient Egyptians of massive expenditures to have children (and upbringing). And the virtue of the ancient Egyptians always double their descendants. In return for their care of their children, the parents favored full obedience and respect, along with their children.

The moderation in ancient Egypt of the salient features in family life; for the rights of men and women, and the seriousness and modesty and humility, entertainment and fun. The family ties rooted in the minds and the minds of the people.

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