Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Temple of Abydos

The Temple of Abydos is located to the west of El-Baliana, which is a town in Sohag Governorate. In ancient times it was called Abdu, and the Greeks called it Abydos. The 8th province in ancient Egypt, this area is considered to be amongst the most famous archaeological sites.  It was the city were Menna, the unifier of upper and lower Egypt came from and from the 11th Dynasty onwards, a burial in Abydos was the ultimate wish and honor for any local to have. In Abydos, many tombs were found belonging to the 1st and 2nd Dynasties. Also, many Kings  have built Temples here, including King Pepi I, King Ahmose I, King Seti I and King Ramses II.
Ancient Egyptians believed that the tomb of Osiris, the “God of the Dead, and the underworld” was located in Abydos, and it is where his head was buried.
The Temple  of Seti I:
The Temple was built During the reign of King Seti I and was finished by, first, his son  Ramses II and then followed by his son, King Mern-Ptah

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