Friday 19 November 2010

Revealed a new Pharaonic

Still the ancient Egyptian civilization is able to raise eyebrows, but the world still awaits a lot to uncover the secrets of this civilization a few days ago, found a U.S. mission in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor (Upper Egypt) to detect the largest since 84 years on the mummies may be ownership

And said Zahi Hawass, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, told a news conference in front of the cemetery has been found at a distance of five meters from the tomb of Tutankhamun, that are likely to be mummies ownership, that the Pharaohs used the valley to bury their kings in both families the eighth and ninth centuries, and added that it that were not property, these mummies are going to people very close to the King

He senses that the mummies might be kings or queens or princes of the family number 18 or may be persons nobles or close to the royal family or may be the mummies of other tombs were hidden in this place away from the eyes of thieves, He senses that the disclosure archaeologist, who found Mission of the University of Memphis area and the American Valley of the Kings in Luxor Egyptian offering all the possibilities in the interpretation of the characters Moumiaot that were found inside the wooden coffins with a number of pottery. 

He expected the senses other discoveries will be announced within the cemetery. The U.S. mission to explore for relics belonging to the University of Memphis, U.S., announced Tuesday the discovery of a grave containing five wooden coffins belonging to the family 18 of the ancient Egyptian history. He senses that this cemetery «is the first to be found since 1922 after a prospector for detection Hjurad Carter British archaeologist for the tomb of Tutankhamun, bearing the number 62. With this new discovery brings the number of tombs of the Valley of the Kings tomb 63.

Hawass added that the cemetery is the second in this valley have been recovered after more than mummy tomb of Amenhotep II's grandfather Pharaoh Akhenaten reunification of the family of eighteen, and found the tomb of Amenhotep II in 1898 and was a well where the burial of 12 mummies.

She had been found on the first cache with a large number of mummies, outside the Valley of the Kings in the village of Qurna on the beach west of the shortest. And included the cemetery fortieth royal mummies were found in 1887 when a family member Abdul Rasul reporting them to the competent authorities. And brought all the mummies which were found in a timely manner to the Egyptian Museum in the Egyptian capital. And inspired this cache director Shadi Abdel Salam in directing and producing «Mummy», one of the most important films of the Egyptian cinema, who conveyed the story of detection.

This is the tomb Sixty-third to be discovered in the Valley of the Kings since the area has been cleared in the eighteenth century AD. The discovery was a surprise to many, where it is believed
that the era of discoveries over 100 years ago.

Tourism, history, archeology, Karnak Temple, Egyptian tourism, tourists historical, global tourism, Luxor Temple, the Temple of Abu Simbel, beach tourism, Tourism Islands, Ramses II, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, the Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, the pyramid, the Sphinx, Tourismwinter,

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