Friday 19 November 2010

Akhenaten and the Lost Empire

Akhenaton (Akhenaten, Ikhnaton) or Amenhotep IV is the Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty ruled with his wife Nefertiti for 17 years since 1369 BC. The L Word Akhenaten, meaning beautiful with the sun disk. Tried to unify the gods of ancient Egypt, including the god Amun-Re in the form of one god, Aten. And moved the capital from Thebes to the new capital our brother Tun queens. And showing the real art, especially in sculpture, painting and literature, which emerged is characterized by a new anthem for the new god Aten.

 Or the so-called system of Tel el-Amarna. King Akhenaten, has been busy Bislahath religious and went on foreign policy and management of the Imperial period until the upper Euphrates and Nubia in the south. Severing the Asian part of it. And when he died, his brother Tutankhamun, which bounced off the roar of doctrine and left the capital to Thebes and announced the return of declaring that the doctrine of Amun Tutankhamun. Good priests and the demolition of the effects of Akhenaten and his city and hinted his name from it.

Is some of the scholars and archaeologists and in-depth study of religious of all peoples of Akhenaten Da'apo may put some in the rank of the prophets and apostles, but holy and whom I am loyal, we find this idea correctAkhenaten: The King (news Nefer-Ra) and the name indicates the worship of the sun and is also (Amenhotep IV) and this name indicates the formal worship of the god Amun at ThebesThe start of King Amenhotep IV Hmkp of the Pharaonic state recognized by all the ancient Egyptian gods in all its forms as he was going to visit and make offerings and Alenzur and was worship themAnd some scholars have justified such an act as trying to keep away from spark and good priests who they have powers that could exceed the validity of Pharaoh himself (because of the direction of the Egyptian religion on the one hand more than the secular)

But he had not gone a short period of the reign of this king, and may start reveal secrets to worship the new goddess Elton per machine Sunday was not one shared by the rest of Egyptian gods in worship, but that he did not stop at this point but issued an order which prevents the machine from the worship of any otherThis decision did not come to the liking of course Allekeanp and especially the priests of Amun Fbdu stirred the people on this pharaohTo another countryAmenhotep and may not attribute that indicates the cult of Amun to Akhenaten, who proves that worship the ground Otunnu Kheir, which has chosen Akhenaten built the city out to be the headquarters for the worship of gods and new furnace called this city Akhetaten
Features worship AkhenatenM not God chosen Akhenaten novelty Aali Complex is the God of gods, but old and based on the worship of the gods like the sun gods Ra and considered by the ancient Egyptian sun Nevshabl what he has done all that Akhenaten Bana revived the worship of the new and was filmed in this machine image of the sun rays stretch of prosperityWhen the search Seaathon hymns in the worship of the sun god Atom which the greatness of Akhenaten, the rest of the gods and found Ti_abhp hymns with the Prophet David in the Psalms

Tel el-Amarna (Akhetaten) formerly a city which has the new religionAkhenaten built his city Akhetaten _ (Tel el-Amarna now) to witness the beginning of the new religion, which tipped the scales in life Alknhoutip Alamounip in good and behind the good priests of Akhenaten, a threat to their influence they reasoned to oust him from the seat of government that they did not Ittawa Shawwa killers as a result of the President whose policemen Maho
Tel el-Amarna art

Named Trico drawing and sculpture in the reign of Akhenaten and realistic way that used to be where King Panel in photography and natural characteristics of this art (the emergence of acts such as that Amlk playing with his children and he eats, head tubular, made Idin, and swelling of the thighs) and did not stand the style of art
Tel Amarnip with the end of the reign of Akhenaten, but extended to appear later in the Sculpture

The end of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun pay provision
Akhenaten died after 17 years of wisdom to take over Tutankhamun several government was Tutankhamun married to the daughter of Akhenaten was his name then Tutankhamun furnace, and after his rule became known as Tutankhamun

Tourism, history, archeology, Karnak Temple, Egyptian tourism, tourists historical, global tourism, Luxor Temple, the Temple of Abu Simbel, beach tourism, Tourism Islands, Ramses II, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, the Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, the pyramid, the Sphinx, Tourismwinter,

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