Wednesday 17 November 2010

The modern Egyptian state

Egyptian New Kingdom New Kingdom of Egypt, and also referred to as the Egyptian empire, is the period in ancient Egyptian history between the 16 century BC. M. And 11 century BC. M., And included a dynastic eighteen and nineteenth and twentieth. The Kingdom has modern [1] Following the second transition period, followed by the Third Intermediate Period. The brightest era of Egypt and the most prosperous and the height of its power.Could this be the opening has been renewed, Egypt's youth, including the insert of new blood; but it was signaled to initiate the greeting a long and bitter struggle between Egypt and West Asia as long as a thousand years.

 That Tuthmosis I did not increase the powers of the new state only, but also invaded Syria on the grounds that Egypt must take control of West Asia in order to prevent attacks on its territory later,And put all the country between the sea coast and Kerkmic at home, and put the garrisons of his own, and the imposition of the tax, then returned to Thebes heavy loot and crowned with glory crowned, which is always important to kill human beings. In the last thirty-year reign of Hatshepsut, lifting his daughter to the throne to be a partner in his KingAnd the rule of her husband and her brother after her father, on behalf of Tuthmosis II, and recommended on his deathbed that his successor, Tuthmosis III, Tuthmosis I'm from one of the concubines (38). However, Hatshepsut took this young man who actually star later accounted for without the king, and proved to be no different from the Kings in the only thing in it females.That it did not even recognize this difference.

 The traditions of the Holy was asking of every Egyptian to be the Son of the great god Amun, and for this prepared Hatshepsut preparing to be male and to be holy, Fajtrat her biography states that Amun came down to Ohmsy or Hatshepsut in a flood of fragrance and light, Vohassant this reception ; and what came out of then announced that radiate Ohmsy give birth to a daughter on the ground all characterized by the god of the strength and courageShe wanted Great Queen after they satisfy the whims of people and perhaps also wanted to satisfy the desire inherent in the chest, worked on the actual effects in the form of a warrior bearded without breasts; Although the inscriptions remaining of its administration talking about conscience, feminine, they call it "Son of the Sun" and "The Lord of the two countries." It was while appearing in front of people wearing men's clothes, and a false beard TlthiPerhaps it was entitled to decide for themselves to be a man or a woman, because it has become the best of rulers who sat on the throne of Egypt - and they are many - and the greatest of success.

 Has solidified the foundations of security and order within the country, however, go overboard in tyranny, and kept the peace in the outside Egypt's loss and sent a mission great to Punt "and is likely to Pont This is the beach of African-east," and opened a new market for trade in Egypt, came much of the good things for its peopleAnd worked to beautify Karnak that established the Mslten big beautiful, and built in Deir el-Bahari Temple lavish trodden by her father, and repaired some of the devastated Hyksos of old structures, she said in one of their carvings is proud of its work: "We have repaired what was before a devastating; completed unless had not been built, while Asians were in the midst of the land where North demolish what had existed before them "(41).

 Then established for itself eventually decorated graves next to a secret mountain which were dominated by sand on the west bank of the Nile in the place which later named the "Valley of the Tombs of the KingsAnd followed the successors in that suit, so the number of tombs carved in the hills around sixty graves royal, and even took the city of the dead compete in a population of a good city neighborhoods, and the "western edge" in the cities of ancient Egyptian home the dead from the upper class; and they were if they say that someone could "went west" they come to this by saying that he died

Tourism, history, archeology, Karnak Temple, Egyptian tourism, tourists historical, global tourism, Luxor Temple, the Temple of Abu Simbel, beach tourism, Tourism Islands, Ramses II, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, the Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, the pyramid, the Sphinx, Tourismwinter,

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