Friday 29 October 2010

State Pharaonic middle

The Middle Kingdom of the Golden Age of Ancient Egypt, where he Mentuhotep I of the unification of the country again after the chaos transmitting in Egypt in the Pharaonic era of so-called transition period first came before Montuhotep the first four kings tried to unify the country has become Montuhotep The first is the ruler of Egypt and re- it the same situation they were in the era of the old, there are many implications of this King..

History of the State Central

Begins with the first date to the Middle Kingdom by virtue of the first ruler of Thebes, named Intef at Thebes and begins the second date to achieve the political unity of the country united, where the central authority in Egypt again in the wake of a long period of turmoil, thanks to the good and the rulers of their efforts.

Political unit

Rulers began well in the composition and unity politics after appease the Kings Akhbar newspaper Dynasty tenth and the work of governors Akhbar newspaper on the expulsion of the Bedouin Asians from the Delta, at the same time turn the rulers of good to pay attention to heart and defend, and thanks to these two events in the north and south, have become the unity of Egypt in the way of the investigation, and over period of more than eighty years of conflict has succeeded in achieving Tibi House and the country's unity and the formation of the Eleventh Dynasty

Papyri of the Middle Kingdom

At the beginning of the eighteenth century AD was discovered papyrus older than 17 pages in the area of Memphis near the pyramids of Saqqara (based on the first owner of her is Georgios) and do not know the exact date found, but the National Museum in Leiden (the Museum of Leiden or Rijksmuseum van Oudheden ) bought the papyrus in 1828 which is about Papyrus Pharaonic written in Hieroglyphics ancient dating back to the times of the Pharaohs some scientists as much as it belongs to the Middle Kingdom, but there is no evidence I am convinced that determines when I wrote and to any family Pharaonic return was classified in the antiques in the number (344 ).And, later renamed Papyrus LIBOR (The Papyrus Ipuwer) or (Admonitions of Ipuwer), where it was translated from the ancient Pharaonic language Alheimuglovip in 1908.

Statues of the State Central

When the discovery of the funerary complex of King Montouhtb II, of the Eleventh Dynasty and a resident of Thebes, was brought to light some of the statues of the king. But most of the statues had no head, and the only statue that was preserved in full, illustrated by a strong personality, a heavy body, and majestic appearance, and holiness.The discovery of a group of statues, in the nineteenth century, in Tanis Besan known stone in the eastern delta, the surprise of historians, and those interested in Egyptian art. This is for their formation and the appearance of unusual Was the appearance of the statues and artistic style is unusual in Egypt in earlier eras, prompting archaeologists to believe that these sculptures can be attributed to the Hyksos rulers of foreigners, 

who were stationed in Laawaris, known as Tel-Dabaa vicinity of Sun stone
Instead of shapes and features of the traditional ideal known in the old, and the first half of the modern state, we note the unusual facial features, which appeared in some of the statues, such as the faces of aging and tired, with high cheekbones and wrinkled cheeks, lips pouted, and large ears Among the finds, statues of the Sphinx, which has identified Assad, instead of Crown Royal "mongoose" known as the Great Sphinx in Giza. In addition to the old form of hair and beard, and faces creased with high cheekbones, lips and frown The examination revealed features, the identity of the original owners of these statues, they are the kings of the Twelfth Dynasty, and we mean specifically Senusret III, Amenemhet III, although the kings others have raped these statues, such as Pa, belonging to the reign of the Hyksos, and Ramesses II and Merneptah, of the Nineteenth Dynasty, and Psusennes of the twenty-first family, who have put their names out, instead of the original names of kings

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