Tuesday 30 November 2010

Ancient Egyptian society

Egyptian civilization was one of the great civilizations that had owned a valuable extended roots deep in history, and traditions inherent; predominantly conservative. Despite the succession of different political, each with Bergaladtha and masters; Egyptian people kept Petkamlh and its customs and traditions. To this end, we are still seeing most of these properties the pervasive and Mtsidh Spirit significantly; in many aspects of daily life and social behaviors. Nowhere is this clearer, especially in rural communities and among the public; if تغاضينا certain superficial aspects of life, such as changes that arise from contact with other peoples: the occasional.

The phenomenon of religiosity and the recognition of the greatness and majesty creator, are common in Egyptian society too. And the exercise of religious rites, by virtue of getting used to, inside the house. In ancient Egypt, there were niches for private prayer and supplication; placed pictures and statues of deities. In the Byzantine era, too, were images of Christ and the Virgin found in every home. During eras of rule and Muslim rulers, adorned houses general verses from the Koran; I have written a beautiful Arab diverse lines elegant. This does not mean stuck Egyptian religious beliefs, they baptized to pout and avoid unpleasant aspects of life, but on the contrary; they receive life with joy and fun: It is evident in Vkahathm and songs and folk arts.

One of the most important characteristics of Egyptian society, from the dawn of civilization, social solidarity between individuals; banding together in the face of dangers, and the breadth of concern for the public good. And this concept has led to a kind of loyalty to the authorities; public to confront the dangers. And meet relatives and family members generally (and pull each reinforcing) in difficult times of adversity and calamities, deaths and disease. The stand by the patient and his family, and inevitable duty can not be avoided. Egyptian and Savior, deplored vices is morals and virtues are the real criteria for evaluating people.

And playing festivals and events (fairs) an important role in the life. And was, in all ages, there is a new Birthdays added; Faihtefi Egyptians and celebrating. In Pharaonic and Greek eras there was a festival celebrated; each Idol: carries the statue idol priests and walking in a majestic procession where everyone participates, and leads the clowns, singers and dancers arts. As it was held, in these festivals, theater performances that depict certain myths. The parents, not the priests, who are celebrating good deities friendly and friendly. The Idol "Bas" is one of those deities; On the day of his festival was working in the building of the pyramids depends. The people viewing the streets, wearing masks "just"; followed by dancers and ضاربو tambourines. The people of the city are involved in singing from their rooftops; while the children were preparing next dancers, singing and clapping their hands. The whole town enjoy holidays and festivals. The New Year's events and the beginnings of seasons, too, of the holidays.

 There was rejoicing Nile flood (fulfillment of the Nile, now); addition to the Spring Festival, which is now called "Easter Holiday." Egyptians are still celebrating, for the day, these two Eidi two. In still Christians celebrating Halloween and Epiphany and Christmas and Easter.

In eras of rule and Muslim authorities, especially those of the Fatimids, governors added some processions, to participate with residents in the celebrations of festivals. And was walking thousands of knights and rows of beauty at the head of these processions; and was carrying on their backs Alhoadj embroidered and adorned with flowers; banquet was longer. And associated dishes and traditions certain holidays and festivals of various celebrated Egyptians; including Holiday Mouled, and suddenly Rajab, and surprise and mid-August, and the tenth of Muharram, and the Islamic New Year, and suddenly Ramadan: Add to Eid key for Muslims; Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

Has received animals of great importance to the ancient Egyptians. Unlike other ancient civilizations which had human-like Mabboudadtha, most of the gods in ancient Egypt were the heads of animals. It was very possible to pay everyone with his life for killing a sacred animal.

The ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife, they were also believe that they will enjoy a lot of activities that they did in this world. For this, they prepared for the Hereafter, that supplied the tombs statues for friends and family members; otherwise, which may need from the company to help them enjoy their time, in the afterlife.

The ancient Egyptians did not love death, but they were love life; Fastmtawa to maximum enjoyment. They were working very hard, but they were providing enough time to enjoy family life, especially children and the company of friends, and entertainment: concerts and fishing and hunting animals and sailing; All this was very important, to the ancient Egyptians.

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