Tuesday 18 December 2018

My First Trip to Africa: Sierra Leone, Freetown - Kono

I constantly needed to go to Africa. Like most Afro-Americans, I experienced childhood in a domain revering everything, Africa. When I arrived, I understand I Knew nothing about Africa. My maternal grandma clarified that everything Africa is ideal. Granny did not, be that as it may, invest energy defaming the achievements of different societies.

Experiencing childhood in Nicaragua's Latino and dark societies. What's more, for me, there is no separating between these two ethnicities. Latinos are blacks, and dark are Latinos. Be that as it may, this isn't so for everybody who discovers support with one gathering.

In Africa, these refinements will amplify. Making a strange reality where a world class minority will treat other with unconcerned. Some of the time generalization can clarify things If it was simple as high contrast. Be that as it may, things are only from time to time dark or white.


The standard generalization can't clarify Africa's ethnic contrasts; most people's look dim to me, however they're contrasts; contrasts that return for a considerable length of time. The Sierra Leoneans asked me regularly, "are you Nigerian," "American" or "Hausa," those normally came up. Boss Morsay characterized Biko and me as "white." He disclosed to us that we are outsiders simply like individuals with white skin. His pointer was rubbing the highest point of his hand for accentuation. At the point when Afro-Americans do this in a discussion, we realize that it's a snag much the same as "Whites Only." "No doubt about it," he said. In Africa, it makes a difference where you originate from, or from what side of the waterway; on account of the Congo's Bushong and the Lele ethnic gathering; what side of the stream has any kind of effect socially politically and monetarily.

Be that as it may, none of that was at the forefront of my thoughts. I was eager to go to Africa. Identifying with my grandma's Afrocentric convictions; I needed to see with my own eyes the loftiness of the landmass that propelled progress and everything that makes us excellent: The melanin, the bends, beat, the nourishment. A rundown of safeguard system, my confidence used to battle the steady flood of American bigot promulgation, where everything is about shading, and dark is the shade that blacks out all hues.


Thus, prejudice is the focal point through which most Afro-Americans see the world. It is anything but a misshaping focal point; generally, the focal point is exact; albeit restricting. Concentrating just on the one view. In reality as we know it where people discover horde of approaches to isolate each other, bigotry makes this division conceivable.

Plainly the Belgians of King Leopold II acted in the most bigot, cruel path towards the general population of the Congo. In any case Mobutu Sese Seko of the Ngbandi ethnic gathering captured Patrice Lumumba of the Tetela ethnic gathering. I don't believe that ethnicity was the reason for Mobutu Sese Seko transgression towards Lumumba. Thomas Sankara and Blaise Compaoré, both are from the Mossi ethnic gathering of Burkina Faso. Be that as it may, much the same as King Leopold II, avarice was the explanation behind Mobutu's bad form towards Patrice Lumumba and the demolition of incalculable Congolese lives. Compaoré did likewise in Burkina Faso anchoring benefits for a decision minority; keeping power to the detriment of Thomas Sankara and the general population of Burkina Faso. Utilizing defilement, seizure even remote help to look after power. With no state to reply to, these men were the same than King Leopold II in the obtuse treatment of their comrades.

In Sierra Leone, the (RUF) will execute the equivalent, cutting off appendages and advertisement deliberate assault and murder; scattering thousands and subjugating the populace to extricate jewels for their own riches.


Be that as it may, destitution is a relative thing. Having experienced childhood in the Caribbean and Latin America. I was familiar with third world reality. In any case, none of this readied me for Africa.


The volume on discussions goes up the closer you get to the African takeoff relax. Things are immediate. Giggling fortified; the sucking of the teeth is boisterous, the grins enormous.

The plane arrived in Lungi International air terminal to an extraordinary tune of cheers and commendations. Like a Hollywood liberation scene, Africans are cheerful and thankful to be home. You can feel their energy. I also was energized, to welcome the African air. Venturing out of the plane, I found the moistness recognizable. What was unique, was to investigate a group and seeing one shade of dark individuals. I made an effort not to look amazed; I imagine I've been here previously. The Africans saw me like on the off chance that I've been here before as well.

The landing area and runway are gigantic, similar to all airplane terminals. Be that as it may, at Lungi you don't see the transports, trucks or the strolling burrow shielding you from harsh climate. Everything is open and wide as the sky. I didn't see business planes or business air ship; simply void landing area with a far away blue-green backwoods skyline without any structures in sight.

Strolling into the slight movement building was an amazement, no groups! I thought this bizarre for a global airplane terminal. By one way or another, I figured they may associate flights to the next piece of Africa. Just the general population will's identity loading up on a similar plane in course to Liberia. Immediately as you enter the building, you see some old design work spaces with present day unique mark acknowledgment machines. Movement officers were simple and speedy. They request visa and yellow inoculation card. Welcome to Sierra Leone!

The general population of Sierra Leone are inviting; they are liberal with their usual range of familiarity. They welcome you, contact you delicately with a typical custom.

Sitting tight for our baggage, I was pulled in to two vast, exceptionally amazing, standing wooden models. Two activity figures cut from a solitary tree trunk. Nobody paid these any psyche. They stroll by them like annoyance African keepsake. I constantly valued the tender loving care of African craftsmanship; there is a thought for the watcher, the wearer, and treatment of antiquities. This relationship of inviting aesthetically with move, surface, sustenance and hues was for me African expressions usefulness.

Albeit extremely great, I didn't know at the time; those two wooden figures will speak to the zenith of my African masterful impression.

Leaving the airplane terminal, we see a sign with our names. Our host Chernor, we call him Cherry, orchestrate to have Lamin welcome us and mastermind the transport tickets that will take us to the shoreline and the ship to Freetown. Lamin works for an organization that helps explorers to Sierra Leonne. Having somebody on the ground that speaks, Krio was quieting. Krio is a superior bartering dialect; trading cash is forceful, a few notes have inclinations. So there's space for sparing in the event that you can deal in Krio.

Outside, they're young fellows moving transport tickets alongside Sim Cards. They're focused, yet not pushy. There's bunches of money in sight consistently trading hands. We hang tight for the cool small scale transports to load up with travelers. The ship isn't far away, about a mile. In any case, it takes around ten minutes drive to arrive. The street isn't right; I suspected this being the route to the air terminal it may be in better consideration, yet no. It was only the asking of the numerous instances of disregard and debasement that the general population of Sierra Leone live with everyday.

The shoreline is huge and clean; I see this on the grounds that wherever else is by all accounts litter with flotsam and jetsam. I see some humble quickly developed shanties. I was searching for vivid angling water crafts however did not perceive any. They're little kids, playing with torn and grimy western garments. They paid us no psyche. As of now the little wharf was brimming with the traveler from the plane, hanging tight for the ship; gear and individuals under a wooden cabin, with an equipped monitor. We hung tight for a few hours. It will be nightfall before they called our numbered tickets, the little ship made a few excursions transporting us securely to Freetown.

The pontoon ride takes not exactly a hour to cross the ocean estuary landing in Freetown during the evening. The view was dim with no distinguishing highlights to see. Inside, our host Cherry and his driver Mohamed are there pausing. They selected from the group preceding anybody offers to help. Lamin had sent photographs. Cherry ensured that Mohamed gets our baggage. Cherry welcomed us with a major grin, shimmering eyes, on a brilliant round well disposed face. He quickly gotten some information about the flight and are we hungry. He said he has cook sustenance home, "it may be unreasonably fiery for us," he said. So in the event that we like, we can go out to get some sustenance. We decide on the zesty sustenance; it was late for our jetlag bodies to go out. The avenues in Freetown, at evening, are stuck pressed with merchants moving everything. None of it looks engaging me. Freetown simply doesn't look clean. Furthermore, this is an astonishment. A Big shock!

We left the wharf on a two-path cleared street lit with intermittent road lights. Mohamed is centered around his assignment while Cherry does the talking. I'm happy he is. The street continues becoming busy the closer you reach town. They're heaps of little youngsters out moving stuff, anything. I see heaps of prepare great and organic products. Everything looks lease. Things feel abnormal, chronologically misguided, somewhat strange, as in the event that I've gone back in time. The general population don't appear to be stressed over the traffic. The road is swirling with African music. What's more, the general population are simply moving with reason in what appears to be a clamorous request.


We travel on cleared streets as far as possible up to College Road in Godrich. At that point we turn right. Furthermore, Mohamed eases back to a slither; the street now unpaved turns into a progression of slopes and ravines gradually paving the way to the following turns, similar to the transport ride from Lungi to the shoreline. There will be more minutes like this. Mohamed is making an effort not to have the base of the vehicle delay a slope, persistently he turns. Like on the off chance that he has done this loads of time.


The vehicle ground to a halt at an extensive metal entryway, around 10 feet high. Encompassed by fencing similarly as high with broken containers solidified on the best. We're three turns off the principle street, a portion of the houses have this boundary. A ton don't; a few houses are simply boxes of folded scraps metal wood and cardboard set up together. There is a feeling that Freetown was not constantly like this. These abodes exposed the scars and the remaining parts of political defilement and a horrendous, insensitive common war.

At Cherries home, he acquaints us with his uncle Mohamed, his sister Mimona and his "Home Boys." Cherry has two "House Boys" and a "House Girl." at the outset, I pondered his youngsters, however no, that is the thing that they call the workers or help. Despite the fact that they're more than workers, they must be prescribed by a relative. They call you "Sa" like yessa. Like I stated, It feels like you're back in time.

Mimona put an expansive bowl of "krain," on the table. Cassava leaf beat and destroyed with hot peppers added to the pot of fish and bubbled Jazmine rice as an afterthought. It was hot; they had a decent chuckle watching our appearances get brilliant. Albeit extremely hot, it was tasty. The rice was useful quieting the krain's warmth. We required something to drink. Little packs litter Sierra Leone. This night while eating hot Krain we've presented these universal waterbags. As indicated by the water venture "Diseases and parasites, most found in polluted water, lead to the biggest reason for death in Sierra Leone."

After a long voyage, the smooth move of Mosquito Smoke Coils, I was feeling tired. I required a shower. Reacquainting myself with these standards of the Caribbean and Latin America: The open shower and chilly water. Trying not to drink the water from the channels amid my shower. I rested in Africa.

The following day I saw loads of youngsters some in uniform. The schools are out right on time for the little ones. Instruction in Sierra Leone is legitimately required. Be that as it may, a lack of schools and educators has made execution outlandish the result of degenerate organizations tormenting this country. I saw a gathering of three strolling out and about with a bushel on their heads. They look five or six, too little to even think about being strolling in a bustling city independent from anyone else.

Bicycle TAXI

I saw an individual on the back of a motorbike adjusting an entryway. They're, generally men, riding somewhat neglectful washing all through traffic on bicycles with unstrapped caps. Some convey multiple travelers; I've seen four and five including babies. They're loads of bicycles; individuals use them as taxicabs. Taxicabs have courses like transports. The DDR had a splendid thought for the youthful warriors to turned in their AK 47 for Honda trail bicycle taxi. Albeit a significant number of their assaulted exploited people, and amputees, would not think so. Freetown is a bold place adapting to a troublesome harmony.


That Night the dim room began to move. The window ornaments move like an apparition going into the stay with a groaning sound that got more intense. The breeze started to strengthen, thundering and moving the window ornaments enthusiastically. It was the yearly dry Harmattan winds of the Sahara, making their regular voyages over West Africa. I was anticipating them since I found out about it in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's book "Half of a Yellow Sun." I considered how every one of those layered shanties were bearing. The breezes were as extreme as a classification one storm; I was agreeing to a taxing night of wind and commotion. Yet, it completed as fast as it began. The following morning, I got up to what will be the commonplace power blackout. Outside, on the yard, the view helped me to remember my youth in Bluefields, Nicaragua' Caribbean drift, with huge rich, blue-green mango trees. That shades the blue sky loosening up the sun's warmth like the nightfall in the wake of a monotonous day. I was shocked. Nothing appeared to be strange from the Harmattan winds. Trees were standing, and branches did not litter the ground.


With the power and water continually going out. We use water from tanks. Everybody drinks water from the plastic sachet, available to be purchased all over the place. Gas generators serenade the area alongside the smell of cooking smoke.

Our discussions with Cherry and uncle Mohamed focused on the governmental issues of Sierra Leone and the staggering common war. They say that a large portion of the general population from the nation are in the city searching for work. Numerous ladies now in Freetown saw an alternate, progressively liberated way of life, where reluctant to return to the nation. "Nation life is a struggle," say Cherry.

Defilement, the decade-long war are a portion of the purposes behind the crumple. The monetary strategies that make the importation of foodstuffs less expensive crushed the nearby cultivating and young fellows who might cultivate are searching for precious stones and caught in an endless loop, making import items vital and neediness inescapable.


Most the enormous supermarkets in Freetown is by all accounts claim by Syrians or Lebanese looking individuals (my stereotyping). In one of the supermarket. In each Isle, a Syrian individual was looking attentive down the Isle. Also, another Syrian individual sitting cautiously behind the clerk, a youthful dark young lady. Amid the war, the Syrians were an objective of disposal.


It requires a long investment to drive through the stuck pressed roads of Freetown. Loads of individuals are moving something, anything. You can discover anything available to be purchased in the city of Freetown; it appears as though everybody is in the city: Men, ladies with infants attached to their backs, kids. Furthermore, now and again, commonly, it looks pitiful, such as enduring is their solitary concern. It made me feel thankful for where I live. People here are battling; it's fairly weird on the grounds that all that they require is available to be purchased in the city. What's more, their mineral well off nation fit for accommodating every one of their needs. Alternately, I saw a similar dull composition in a steady progression! A great many blocks, mile after mile, hour nightfall, for quite a while, working, a similar dull skin; this made feel appreciative to visit Africa.

The following day we travel to the area of Kono to meet the Chief. It's a lengthy drive. En route I see Chinese men constructing another street. Fundamental Chiefs, in view of awesome right, possesses all the land in a specific area; they are numerous chiefdoms. The Chiefs chooses who gets what. In case you're not from a similar clan, you will likely won't get arrive from the Chief. However, generally, Chief will give you a chance to utilize the property. Boss Morsay was benevolent. Alongside his African-American girl Sia, a legitimate representative with a thoughtful streak. Sia gives her time and assets to address treacheries paying little mind to the social standards. Her front entryway regularly loaded with neighborhood kids playing with her kids' toys. They realize that Sia will encourage them. We witness a gathering of secondary school young ladies requesting sponsorship. On account of her altruistic notoriety, Sia gets a considerable lot of these. The Chief clarifies this makes perplexity. Things have their place in Africa. Be that as it may, Sia is making changes, and her dad is tuning in. They share a common regard.

We got to Kono at night. After some neighborly talk and presentations. The Chief took us around to see his town. Kono is a long way from Freetown however looked similarly as discouraging. It was dull, without any streetlights and numerous precious stone merchants. Be that as it may, even in obscurity, Kono is benevolent, the general population talked and were eager to see the Chief. His identity is well disposed. Be that as it may, you couldn't see, similar to a power blackout. Did I ask why, why so much destitution? For what reason doesn't the administration deal with basic administrations


Before Chief Morsay unpaved home, bicycles pass stacked with 3 to 4 people groups; here and there with packs of long grass for bedding. The blue smoke hangs in the warm air, morning, twelve and night. Africans are cooking with charcoal heaters, I see them available to be purchased in favor of the street.

The Chinese are preparing to set down black-top in this piece of Kono; It's dusty, a blend of dark colored and dim residue and free rock. Outside everything is secured with residue. Individuals stroll all over more often than not transporting water. I see heaps of goats, geese, ducks, and chickens strolling like individuals from the town.

Nobody gives careful consideration. Vehicles are careful not to hit them. They're no traffic cops or intersection protects. There is a steady sounding of horns; drivers blare individuals they're going to pass. Nobody is in a surge. Young people walk holding each other's hands.

Once in a while a major ambling truck will pass by with sloppy wheels. A few streets resemble little lakes, with individuals washing garments and cleaning up.

In the town, they use mud blocks to construct homes. Individuals are outside doing tasks. Men are remaining around guarding cruisers hanging tight for an admission.


Sia and the Chief took us to a town where they are wanting to assemble a healing facility. They disclose to us the death rate is high. It's a risky to get wiped out here. Crashing into this region is troublesome. The town boss gestures of recognition Sia and gives her a gift.

Sierra Leone has the most noteworthy rate of maternal mortality on the planet. Una Mullally reports from the Bonthe District in the country southwest, where youngster pregnancy rates are high, and necessities are rare.

They will take us to see the mining of alluvial precious stones and coltan. The sight is so breathtaking it's difficult to depict. Maybe many individuals, men, and ladies mining singular plots over a slope; with hand instruments. Laborers climbing and town like and a subterranean insect province. You can hear numerous dialects talked. The work looks hard.


I was stunned to see two women prospecting in the dark colored waterway. They were cheerful to illustrate. I was engaging that I'll see gold, however not by any stretch of the imagination. In any case, after two or three whirls, much the same as that the dish had bits of sparkling gold. I glanced around, and all I saw is a woodland. The women with gold in their grasp have nothing to appear for it. Throughout the years they most'ave produce a large number of dollars.


The general population of Sierra Leone are caring. The SUV we drove has a battery issue; it won't begin medium-term. The men who come to help touched base with a wire. Not a jumper link but rather with a wire stripped at the closures. I thought this was exceptionally unsafe. What's more, for what reason there's no jumper link and why this procedure is the option. Reused water bottles loaded up with fuel are available to be purchased in favor of the street. They knock for gas with an antique hand-wrench so old that I never at any point have seen it in the films.


We drove back to Freetown; it looks significantly dirtier that the nation. I don't think they get waste here. Despite the fact that they most discard the waste some place. I saw a consuming load of junk. I couldn't make sure. Be that as it may, I think it was the landfill. It didn't appear to be that unique than alternate squares. With the exception of the smoke. Be that as it may, I kid you not; Sierra Leone is loaded with waste and individuals yelling at one another, not rudy. In case you're mild-mannered, no one will hear you in Sierra Leone.


I was conversing with the "kid" Muhammad, he isn't a "kid," that is a social standard. Muhammad will turn 27 this month. He is a decent individual who approaches individuals with deference. I asked him "the amount he gets paid?" He completes a ton around the house, and in addition drives all over the place. Incredibly, he revealed to me that, "this is certifiably not a paying employment," he said it was his obligation to be deferential to his senior, and that is the thing that he is doing. He said his uncle prescribe him to come here. He said he would like to be in the situation to do likewise for other people.

We made a stop at Mohammad town; he was glad to drive pass each homestead, waving at his neighbors. We went to his uncle's homestead to get a goat for dinner. Mohammed was depleted, in spite of the fact that he wouldn't state it. He's been driving for a considerable length of time. The boss consulted for us a decent rate with a partner for a medium-term hold up. He didn't stretch out this to Mohammad. He disclosed to him that the place has a protected exacerbate that he can rest in the vehicle. Or then again he can remain in the specialists quarters. I thought without a doubt he would take the quarters, yet shockingly, he dozed in the vehicle. Albeit abnormal to us, Mohammed like the Chief comprehends that everybody has a place in Africa. Mohammed said that in Africa you should simply be deferential and supplicate.

A portion of the main drivers of the contention lay in the underestimation of youngsters by the frames of mind of seniors and conventional pioneers.

Customary organizations, controlled by the town first class and court directors "paying themselves" through discretionary and over the top fines.

Abuse of the work of youth through standard law is a long-standing practice in Sierra Leone and the more extensive district. Jim Crow was not only a supremacist organization. It was a framework that misused work.


My musings, be that as it may, was for tomorrow's dinner. Cherry will convey somebody to butcher and butcher the goat for supper. Goats are wherever in the nation. Cherry said that they generally return to their pen and individuals never take them.


It's tragic how filthy this place is. I saw a man clearing the walkway. He had several heaps of waste. It seemed as though he willingly volunteered keep his little corner of the street clean. Be that as it may, the junk was simply to the side. What's more, the general population were at that point venturing on it.

The general population are inviting. Regardless of all the stuff they need to move. Nobody is pursuing you to purchase something. In any case, on the off chance that you purchase something, they come hurrying with a contending deal. I figured strolling during the evening may give me another viewpoint on Sierra Leone, it did. It made me feel increasingly discouraged how miserable most of the general population are living.


You do see a couple of costly vehicles. Here they lease a SUV for $100 US daily. You see costly suits available to be purchased on the walkway. They are such a large number of individuals moving that you can't see the structures. Each of the, a dark economy. Nobody makes good on government obligations. The nation is poor.

A few people even have a police escort an officer strolling with an automatic rifle. I need to advise myself that this place just got genuine a merciless common war. Loads of the young fellows could've been tyke troopers.

The general population with cut away arms and legs look most noticeably bad off. 1$US here is about 7,500.00 Leones in the city. Cherry reveals to me that neighboring Liberia is most exceedingly terrible and that the general population from Liberian and Guinea come to Sierra Leone to work since it's significantly better.

Monetary SECTOR

They are signs reminding government employee that taking influences is a wrongdoing. At this point, I couldn't censure them. They simply don't get sufficiently paid. What's more, the depreciation of their money is no assistance. At the point when the Governments can't pay its obligation, they print cash. By Law, The Central Bank is in charge of controlling the monetary area. On the off chance that, the Governor of The Central Bank would be sufficiently valiant to censure spendings. He ought to recall that his successor in 1980 Sam Bangura, reprimanded Siaka Stevens' strategies for being degenerate. Sam Bangura body was tossed from the best floor of the national bank building onto Siaka Stevens Street.


The ruthless common war in Sierra Leone did not realize institutional changes. A minority world class still controls the nation and is heightening their political power. The express everything except stays missing. The majority rule race 2007 come back to control the APC, the gathering of Siaka Stevens. Despite the fact that Ernest Bai Koroma didn't have a relationship with Siaka Stevens, different individuals in his gathering did. Two of Siaka Stevens children Bockari K Stevens Ambassador to the United States and, Jengo Stevens exceptional counsel to the president and Ambassador to Germany. Absence of political centralisation, the general population intrigue, makes this decision similarly as unpredictable as the vote based race of 1971.


I like the sustenance in Sierra Leone, particularly blended with the hot peppers. Yet, my stomach was beginning to flip. The climate is wonderful not very hot. In any case, Freetown is a city that I was prepared to leave. At this point even the commotion contamination was annoying. I attempted frantically to purchase a gift. Be that as it may, everything available to be purchased was an import. I was searching for a high quality doll. There were none to see. All dolls are the plastic MATTEL type. Cherry took us around to discover legitimate African gift. I saw some wonderful African texture. They're altogether foreign from China. The material business in Africa is everything except gone. The shabby Chinese import makes it hard to contend. At first, it was anything but difficult to distinguish counterfeit African texture made in China. In any case, their innovation has made strides. The batik and Kente fabric look delightful. It's testing and increasingly costly to get hand-colored cotton batiks from Ghana and The Gambia. With an interminable gift of garments to Africa, they also are attempting to endure.


The bartering was extraordinary. At the point when a merchant cited me a value, another seller would beat it. In the event that I take a gander at a specific shading or style, another will indicate me comparative. Before long they'll discover what you're looking. When Cherry went ahead the seen speaking Krio, the costs drop considerably more. His eyes will swell in stun as he sucks his teeth and yells Eh! I request and African doll. The seller said he would get one. He returned with dark colored MATTEL. I revealed to him I needed one made in Africa. He said he has one, however I should stop by tomorrow. I'm certain he would have made one throughout the night.


We prepared to leave. Lamin met us at Lungi Airport once more. I was astonished; Chery instructed him to keep an eye on us. At this point we were acquainted with the sound of Krio. Be that as it may, I was happy for his help once more. He encouraged to check in and get our tickets stepped later. The plane won't depart for some time. He assumed us to a position over the way to pause and get a beverage. It was a decent time to unwind in a yard under a tree. I got some information about the quantity of kids in the city. He said that some family from the nation would send their youngster to another family in the city for a training. Yet, heaps of individuals abuse this or are excessively poor. So the send the tyke out to procure cash.


Would things be able to show signs of improvement? Beyond any doubt they can. Defilement won't change with overseeing. In any case, at any rate The legislature can accommodate clean water, power, instruction, phone, a sewage framework, general wellbeing and clear streets.

Anticipating a decrease in the span of the Government area, adaptable trade rates, privatization, upgrades in the effectiveness of open administration arrangement may be excessively to inquire.

Be that as it may, in case we're asking, why not include a street organize connecting them to different urban areas in the territory and whatever is left of Africa, and enhancing the working of the state anticorruption measures and, to wrap things up, what about some peace for

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