Wednesday 17 November 2010

Ptolemaic era 2

8 - Ptolemy VI (180 BC. M - 170 BC). And then (176 BC. M - 145 BC).
In the year 175 BC. M announced Ptolemy VI king Vocrk in governance sister Cleopetrp II and his younger brother Ptolemy VIII shall dwell, and when he took Ptolemy VI to the throne title b Velomattur (ie, loving to his mother) married Ptolemy VI of his sister, Cleopatra II, attacked Rome Macedonia and engaged in a war with the Army Perseus king of Macedonia, Antiochus IV took advantage busy Rome, which covers Egypt protection in Egypt slammed the war and taken captive young Ptolemy VI, and declared himself king of the Nile Valley

.In the year 170 BC. M Antiochus IV seized all Egypt except Alexandria and negotiations began between him and his nephew Ptolemy VI
In 168 BC. Ontockheos M was fourth with his army camped near Alexandria, which was the capital of Egypt at the time when the news reached him that the Romans were defeated in the town we want to Brosios Pydna

Arrived Gaius Popelios Inas from Rome, carrying a decision of the Senate in Rome and went directly to the camp gas Antiochus IV and gave him the decision and the dialogue was recorded Bolebeos Greek historian famous, who was a contemporary of these events he wrote: "Peace to Enas for Antiochus Senate resolution, which orders him to end the war against Ptolemy in the case and withdraw his army to Syria in a specific time .. read King Antiochus IV resolution, said: that he needed to consult friends about this new development, has had a Enas a stick cut from the vine, drawing out a circle around Antiochus IV and asked him to give him the answer to the resolution before that pushes the boundaries of the Chamber, were surprised by King Antiochus IV to this act

After a period of turmoil Short said a, e will do as requested by the Romans "(see Polybius, Histories, Bk, 29, 27 have been published one of the papyri which have been translated recently confirm that: The Triumph of Antiochus victory was complete have preferred not to cause problems for the Roman was a drag the war it More than just a temporary intervention is indispensable

At this time was the emergence of Rome's military strength and steady growth is no longer a secret for no one has said of Bolebeos in the preface to his book: "We have turned the whole Mediterranean Sea to the Lake Roman and all those who lived on its shores, they looked to Rome as planned destiny

After the withdrawal of King Antiochus IV of Egypt after being conquered on the orders of Rome arose family conflicts inside the ruling family Ptolemaic between Ptolemy VI and his brother were young, and the intervention of the Romanian Senate to resolve this dispute was sentenced to leave the throne of Egypt for Big Brother, and the separation of the Senate Korinip (modern Libya ) which is affiliated to Egypt and part of Egypt and make it an independent kingdom for the younger brother, and became the king's younger brother Ptolemy Korinip

Then there was the expulsion of the Alixanderaon Ptolemy VI and declared the property shall dwell alone. Antiochus attempted to restore his sister's son, but failed and left the year 169 BC Egypt. M. But returned Minda Egypt in 168 BC. M When he arrived to Memphis to take the title of king of Egypt. As he was preparing to enter Alexandria ordered him to Rome to leave the land of Egypt, he returned to his country

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