Friday 19 November 2010

Hyksos invasion

Hyksos are primitive and nomadic peoples of different origins entered Egypt from the east through the end of the period of weak rule of the State Central almost at the end of the rule of Fourteenth Dynasty. Experts do not agree on the history of their origin. But is most likely that their origin is West and Central Asia and moved them to the Levant and Egypt

Continued occupation of the Hyksos about a hundred years, did not stay in a quiet; but met with much resistance, and revolutions of the Egyptian people.
Did not add the occupation of the Hyksos to Egyptian history, little or nothing; it was a period of looting and sabotage. Expulsion of the Hyksos began a war fiercely waged them Egyptians and ended up driving them completely at the hands of King Ahmose, the first in the era of the modern family, and you do not have in human history list then
After a fierce war with the Egyptians, the Hyksos made their capital in the eastern delta which they called "Xuan", which was known as Ourais, focused mainly of the Kingdom of the Hyksos in the Delta and the middle of Egypt. There was a Hyksos gradually rather than directly, and the Lower Egypt (northern Egypt) are subject to direct rule, and Upper Egypt (good) and Nubia, Vkanta Tkhaddaan of Egyptian rule

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