Wednesday 17 November 2010

First military campaigns of Thutmose III

Tuthmosis III and his reign was full of wars, the country of Syria took the opportunity Vthart death of Hatshepsut of Egypt, her family thought that Tuthmosis III, a young man was twenty-two years old, will not be able to keep the state set up by his father. But Thutmose did not sit for work walked at the head of his army in the first year of his reign by Kantara and Gaza quickly twenty miles every day, and docked with the forces raging at Har Megiddo "A mountain of Megiddo", a small town with the location of the wars in impervious between the mountain chains of Lebanon the road between Egypt and the Euphrates River. A certain glory in which it occurred several incidents of
war from that day to the days of the Prophet.

At the same corridor where the British defeated the Turks in 1918 during the First World War Thutmose III defeated the Syrians and their allies before that three thousand, three hundred and ninety-seven years. Then walked Tuthmosis breaking the victorious West Asia is subject to its people, and taxes imposed on them and combines them abscess, and later returned it to the good victorious after six months from the beginning of encroachment.

The campaign was first campaigns was promised fifteen subjected the country where Tuthmosis brave the eastern Mediterranean to the rule of Egypt. Not only do light work, but he also served on the organization of Vetoha, sued in all the country's open strong garrisons, and established a reign organized things. Thutmose was the first man in history to realize what naval power of great significance, he established a fleet was subjected to his power the country's Near East

It was the nail by the spoils of Imad Egyptian art in the era of the empire, as it was an abscess, which took placed in Egypt from the Levant origin of the life of tenderness and bliss enjoyed by the people, and found in Egypt, a new class of artists, great works of art flooded. And we can imagine to what extent the new wealth of the imperial government if we know that the state treasury was able some day to come out of it which amounted to nine thousand pounds of gold bullion and silver (43). And spread a good trade in selling never before, and shouldered Balqrban structures,

Rose said the lobby of the Royal celebrations at Karnak, and established the great park in accordance with the greatness of God and King. Then the king returned from the battlefield drew his attention to art and managing the affairs of the country. It is the most beautiful effects of that era vases exquisite engraving. The minister said about him and what was the secret of Napoleon, weary of Trustees of the exiles say about "The King knew all what was happening; Nothing was unknown; was the god of knowledge in all things; there was no question which does not separate himself (43)." King died after ruling thirty-two years "and some say it is forty-five", and after completing its leadership in Egypt to the Mediterranean world

Tourism, history, archeology, Karnak Temple, Egyptian tourism, tourists historical, global tourism, Luxor Temple, the Temple of Abu Simbel, beach tourism, Tourism Islands, Ramses II, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, the Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, the pyramid, the Sphinx, Tourismwinter,

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