Wednesday 17 November 2010

Egyptian history, Greek and Romanian

Alexander the Great (took in 332 BC. M and left Egypt 331 BC. M to continue the wars against the Persians and Alexander died in 323 BC).

Greco-Roman rule lasted for three centuries, Egypt
In 336 BC.
M. Matt King Philip of Macedonia, and was succeeded on the throne of Macedonia and his son Alexander at the age of twentieth he united Greeks and conquered large parts of the world, and the Greek Empire

In 334 BC.
M victorious at the third house the last ruler of the Persian Empire.
In 331 BC. M invaded Egypt and went to the Temple of Amun and request to become pharaoh in Egypt and called for the priests of Amun, son of the machine to begin the 

rule of the Ptolemies began the reign of Ptolemy

It is said that in the year 323 BC. M. Alexander died in Babylon has reached the age of 33 years, and some historians that he died in Alexandria met his commanders in Babylon, to discuss the problem of imperial rule, Macedonian, which died of its founder before that regulates the succession to the throne and the method of government and without leaving a will or nominated as his successor. After a violent dispute was agreed to live up to the throne called the man a fool, "Philip Arhidos" He was a brother-brother of Alexander.

 While recognizing the right of Jenin, "Roxana" wife "Alexander," Persian and she is pregnant if the male in the post, "Philip" King as a partner under the tutelage and took after him, his half-brother Fleet Arhioallos We are interested in that divided Alexander's empire among his commanders and was Egypt's share of a senior military commanders who is the owner of Alexander's conquests in his name was not Ptolemy Ben Goss and began to rule his family and called the name of the Ptolemaic rule in Egypt to begin the rule of the Greek Ptolemaic occupation

Ptolemy son of Lagos: as the governor of Egypt (323 BC. M. - 305 BC). And then as king of Egypt (305 BC. M - 284 BC).

Egypt was the commander of the share named "Ptolemy", who founded the Ptolemaic dynasty which ruled Egypt from 333 to the year 30 BC. M. Has been able to "Ptolemy I," of the annexation of some Aoqalim which are considered by historians accessories to Egypt, such as a soft southern Syria and Vinkie, Palestine and Cyprusnjeh and declared himself the King of the Ptolemy I, son of Lagos (Soter) Saviour soter rule as Satrapi, any state governor, Egypt from 323 to 305 BC. m. Then as a king when he took Alexandria in Egypt for the successors to 284 BC. M.
Ptolemy II (285 BC. M - 246 BC. M.)
Ptolemy II Ptolemy I'm the first "Philadelphus" 285-246 BC. M. Has participated with his father in power in 285 BC. C, then a sole after his death, 284 BC. M. The title of Ptolemy II in the name of Philadelphus (ie, loving to his sister, whom he married) and in 271 BC. M was Berhos king of Epirus had expelled the Romans from Italy after the failure of his project in the invasion of Italy, when I started the power of Rome to appear in the year 273 BC. Began to Ptolemy II relations
diplomacy between him and the Embassy of Rome and sent him any delegates in order to hold the bonds of friendship between the two parties.

The sense of Ptolemy from the growth of military power of Rome and true friendship treaty was signed between him and Rome, a benefit for generations to late Ptolemaic, spreading the force Romanian sea and land east, in the second century BC. M
At the time, who entered Rome in the wars to capture the Hellenistic kingdoms that fell under its rule one after the other .. Egypt remained independent friend of Rome to the extent that the protection granted by Rome on several occasions when the need calls for it

Tourism, history, archeology, Karnak Temple, Egyptian tourism, tourists historical, global tourism, Luxor Temple, the Temple of Abu Simbel, beach tourism, Tourism Islands, Ramses II, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, the Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, the pyramid, the Sphinx, Tourismwinter,

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