Friday 19 November 2010

The magic power of the Pharaohs

Ornaments have great value when the ancient Egyptian, they were worn not only for Zinpanma also the purpose of protection and avoidance of harm and risk to do the unexpected and was also used to drive evil and witchcraft as it was by force and provide the bearer good luck and blessings

Hence the mascot made in the form of figures of deities or sacred symbols and was known in the Egyptian language name (Luga), which means healing or (MCAT Hao) Garrison body or (h) protection means or Nxto means the amulet can take the mascot a cobra snake to extend protection to those who carried or put in a piece of jewelry.
The scarab amulet in the form of guarantee to the holder resurgence and help him to renew his youth and provide him luck happy, especially if made of stone or faience green or blue or brown.

It was mentioned in parchment papyrus is now in the Berlin Museum that contains a leaf sycamore useful things and have a silver heals and has a wealth and can be extended if successful mascot protection mantra recited the effect and continues in effect if the spell written on the amulet. .

Publisher of bird wings with a man (King) and represents the spirit and was the subject on the chest of the mummy of Tutankhamun, a symbol of resurrection and return of the soul, a body of gold studded with semiprecious stones and colored glass in a manner Kloazzoni

And ornaments found in all cultures, ancient and modern and the main purpose of which is

1 - painting and decoration and worn by men and women alike to denote the owner and the richness of decoration and its image is the same where we know that beauty and adornment came to man in his nature.2 - magical or religious purpose where I think that some of the human types of jewelry has a reservation value of magic and evil from him, and even stop the impact of witchcraft against him, such as amulets, which gives the holder strength and a pond and fortunate and good luck as
The ambiguity of human jewelry since prehistoric times where he found the beads or bracelets, rings or pendants with simple shapes made of stone, colored or from bone or ivory,

 or even from the mud and in the tombs of the Neolithic in the Faiyum in (Mirma Bani Salama) and returns to the fifth millennium and the fourth BC and El-Badari civilization found on the crowns of the head or belts for the center are made of skin and in the pilgrimage back faience and used gold and copper in the jewelry industry also found a statue of a woman wearing an anklet on by The statues of the gods in the temples wear jewelry as well, during the work of ritual, and we know and that of the corresponding ornaments were embossed on the walls of temples, tombs and coffins was the Costume names and lists and there was a tradition to present the senior staff ornaments in festivals and events and that happens from the balcony of manifestations of the royal palace or temple, as there was a Costume Permanent such as decorations and medals of military commanders and senior staff and there is also a Costume placed on the animals to embellish and guarded outlook of evil and envy, or loss of the blessed, such as dogs, cats, cattle, and monkeys.

Purpose magical or religious, where I think the human that some types of jewelry has a value magic reservation and from him evil and stop the impact of witchcraft against him, such as amulets, which gives its holder the power pool and fortunate and good happy according to his faith which a person believes, therefore, the ornaments have the power of an amulet magic.

And the evolution of wear jewelry then become so worn as an amulet and entered into by the decorative elements that show the beauty of the wearer and the jewelry has been derived materials and forms of the Egyptian environment.There was jewelry, for decoration in daily life and an amulet of guard and protection and were made of gold and studded with semiprecious stones, and supplied with pins or cocks or gold wire or twine high

There was also jewelry, for decoration and protection in the other world and have the purposes of magic to protect the wearer in the other world and protect his body from all evils and were made of materials other than precious species such as gilded wood and plaster doctrine or stone, porcelain or bone, ivory, and even mud.It is clear that it was not possible to wear these ornaments in this life to its weight and easily broken, and the absence of fits and their relevance to everyday life and these ornaments are placed or to prove a thread on the body and has no clips and sometimes difficult to determine the type of jewelry that was for the living or the life of other and therefore used Costume fees existing on the coffins of the era of the middle where we find that the fee was a substitute for the real ornaments funeral, which was painted to keep it never stays as long as the coffin was painted or for fear of theft of real jewelry that they already exist

Tourism, history, archeology, Karnak Temple, Egyptian tourism, tourists historical, global tourism, Luxor Temple, the Temple of Abu Simbel, beach tourism, Tourism Islands, Ramses II, Nefertiti, Cleopatra, the Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, the pyramid, the Sphinx, Tourismwinter,

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