Friday 29 October 2010

Family pharaohs

The old state is a state that began with the establishment of the Egyptian family third in 2686 BC. And ended in 2181 BC. M. It was the first rulers of this period, King Bent, father of King Khufu's Great Pyramid and also called on this era as the era of builders of the pyramids to the beginning of the existence of pyramids in ancient Egyptian architecture and a lot was we have remnants of that period, the three pyramids at Giza.

Features of the ancient pharaonic state

Egyptian civilization evolved rapidly evolving in the era of the ancient state. Increased its strength by the central government and active management and advanced technology and sophisticated hieroglyphic writing and art riser. There is no comparison between the face of any work and architectural work of this tremendous feat we know as the pyramids. The first is built the pyramids of Djoser, one of the kings of the Third Dynasty. The Niger claim also Khet, because the Kings at birth, was added to their names the names of Horus or six, depending on place of birth was north or south. Netjr Khiet and is affiliated with the name of Djoser Horus

Art in the Old

The statues of kings and private, as well as paintings and engravings in the era of the old state, and reflected the artistic concepts, seeking to serve the ritual of gods and kings and the dead.
We find the statues of property situations traditional lines ideal for the face, seeking to portray the personalities of ownership, in the structure of my body is strong, and sometimes with some touches of realism, which is less severe for the details of the face.

Perhaps we can track it in the statue of Djoser, and the only remaining statue of King Khufu, Khafre and King models of different stones, and triads of King Mancao Ra, and the head of King Userkaf.
The statues of the special, followed the same technical concepts, but they have more freedom in movement, and more varieties of their

The drilling of artists sitting statues of the book, and statues of people standing or kneeling or worshiper, and the other preoccupied with household chores

We see it also in the wooden statue of the aper fonts with realism in the drilling face and body, as well as other alarm and dismay of his wife, are all good examples of statues of that era.
Paintings excavated and video, began to fill the gaps on the walls of temples and tombs, to portray the activities of daily living in homes and farms and workshops

There were also scenes entertainment, and other offerings to imagine. These scenes are sometimes carried out movements free, groups of workers, as well as animals and birds
Drilling outstanding and engravings, and paintings, has been implemented well proportioned, and fine details, especially those in the tombs of Saqqara.

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