Monday 24 January 2011

The concept of heaven and hell in the era of the Pharaohs

He lived the ancient Egyptian on the Nile for thousands of years built his or her own great, and I live with the Egyptian environment both natural and unnatural, and was the nature of the geographical Egypt had a significant impact in the formation and show the beliefs espoused by the lady of all his life through the Pharaonic times, but in the religious beliefs and funeral and after his death

As a secure life and work of all his power mental and Alibd intention to benefit all made available to the Egyptian environment of the land and its treasures, and the climate and natural phenomena, and also the universe and its phenomena Vantage us a great civilization faith-based life, worked her like going to live forever Fbera in each Fields, and Egypt became a guiding light for other peoples

 As safe ancient Egyptian good and urged him throughout his life, and recommended to his children and the children of his children, and safe - well - evil and recommended that away from him and was able through his worldly through three thousand years to record the teachings of the wise men to call for good and peace, and praise and approbation of the good guys, and more reward in this world for the righteous Both

In the doctrine of resurrection and immortality, which secure them a product of natural phenomena that have been observed and influenced in this belief, it was thought, after all the sun sunrise sunset, and after each flood flood last, after germination and plant germination time. Believed that he has another life after death, and also secure good and evil in life, he worked to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys and to give everyone his due reward, whether good or severe punishment

And I also think that there is heaven for the righteous, the so-called (Yarrow) any fields Auxerre, I think that there are also fire and hell for the wicked, and named it (SJ), and is safe existence of the trial a comma for the dead after death for each deceased in front of (AJ Auxerre) god of the underworld Lord of the dead must be a fair trial for each person to receive the reward of his guilt during his first, whether it be good although it is better for evil evil

First: The Trial

    The ancient Egyptians believed - after death - that the tomb of residence is not eternal, but rather a trial to another life, a life is eternal

It is expressed in the ancient Egyptian language (de Ankh Jet and most likely) and translated (to give a life or eternal), which was stamped by each called on the graves of interest

It reflects the period between death and life, the second to be tried before the God of the underworld (AJ Auxerre). The Imagine the ancient Egyptians trial in different ways but that met with key elements in their perception of her, taking into account that what is reported to us from the views of the trial was filmed selection of the cemetery before his death, according to his wishes is and what he wishes for himself, as appeared in the Talismans 30 and 125 of the Book of the Dead

 We find in the first part of the landscape of the trial, and often have a higher view, which starts shooting the deceased, standing or kneeling exonerate himself before God (AJ Auxerre) and only some of the other pictures himself in front of all the gods great and greater, such as: (Ra, Geb, Nut, Hathor, Isis, Horus) spoiled his innocence to them from any guilt. While others find that same picture in front of forty-two representatives of the god of justice in the provinces of Egypt every Monday and forty province, on top of each feather justice, which was dubbed (Maat)

 The first example he wanted the deceased (during his life) to confirm his innocence of any guilt or sin before the gods; which confirms and condemns the excessive confidence in order to prove his innocence before all the gods. A second example of the deceased wanted to discharge the same in all the provinces of Egypt and divide all the names of these gods in his name and deny him the guilt of sin. Bmnajap begins each god in his name, surname, denies himself the guilt like I did not steal, did not kill

 When completed, this scene, and even given him permission to enter the Hall of Justice and the trial before the Lord of the Underworld (AJ Auxerre), which portrayed the form of a large hall of the throne (AJ Auxerre) inside the cabin, in front of the gods (or Hathor, Isis and Nephthys). Thus, it appears the deceased coming leads him out of his hand to the trial of God (Horus) and behind the deceased (Ka) tags and (Ka) is the spouse who is required of the deceased during his lifetime and after his death day and night, like his shadow he knows about everything and his presence here to witness it, he knows him everything coming in. to mind here the same scene in the Day of Judgement in Islam that every man will be his driver and a witness by the

How to confluence of the ancient Egyptian mind this scene, despite the revelation of the Qur'an about a thousand years from the end of the Pharaonic era

 Behind the deceased stands the goddess (Maat) goddess of justice, which decorated her with the code of justice badminton (Maat), which are placed in the balance of cardio and weight between the throne (AJ Auxerre), and the deceased and a companion , And Horus and Maat, we find in the middle of the monkey and the monkey here is the god (Jehoty) Lord of the Math and science in some views of other shows cattle egret, alias (Thoth) Lord of the account as a result of a codification of the weight to be submitted to the god (AJ Auxerre), in the balance of the cuff that the heart of the deceased standing next to the balance. The symbol of justice either (Badminton) code or goddess (Maat) and on her head badminton hand of God (AJ Auxerre), and often the deceased's request for representation of the heart in the same featherweight equally from the painter prepared for the landscape has not been found on the landscape represents the heart heavier or the symbol of justice heavier, All views represent the heart in the same weight as the symbol of justice, because this is proof of innocence of the deceased good

 This indicates that the ancient Egyptians believed that the heart, which was named the (IP) is a source of good or evil heart is is a container business, as is said (the heart of stone, the heart of black) to simulate the wicked, Valmsry the old semi-this heart is full of sinfulness and guilt must be heavy

 In Islam, we find in the sayings of the Holy Prophet the content (in that the body of the embryo that repaired, Magistrate whole body and that corrupt the whole body, and also (piety here, he said, referring to his heart) and also (that God does not look at your faces, but look at what Settles in the heart). that any bad business to remain in the hearts, and the introduction of one thing to weigh in weight here Valfaisal heart weight

In the Qur'an mentioned the balance in the Ar-Rahman (and the sky lifted and theput balance )and also ( anddoes an atom of good will see it works whit of evil shall see )Al-Zalzala

He says the public now in Egypt (the heart of light) and (weak heart) and (heart of stone) and (black heart

These examples show us that the heart is full of sinfulness and guilt be heavy, to find out the truth of this human than others to be of the weight of the heart. The keenness of the deceased before his death, asked the artist portray the weight of his heart is equal to the weight of the symbol of justice evidence of his innocence of any wrongdoing.

How to confluence of the ancient Egyptian's mind this idea?
When the weight of the heart and prove his innocence of guilt score (Thoth) god of the account and displays the result on (AJ Auxerre) Lord of the underworld, which falls after this to give the deceased's life (ankh) to start his life but

 Next to the balance lies god another form of ancient Egyptian in the form of an animal symbolic component of the head of a crocodile and an introduction lion and the back of Adelie and was named the (amou), or (with uncle), or (yum yum), a so-called Arabic (macrophages), which devour the heart of sinners, if proved guilty in the case of the balance of the weight of the heart. The meaning of this god devouring the heart of the deceased lost his heart and his life both on land or sea or river it has no place on earth again

 After the trial, while showing the innocence of the deceased and the record of this god (Thoti) Lord of the account and submit it to the god (AJ Auxerre) Lord of the Underworld, who is giving second life of the deceased in the mark (Ankh) to start his new life

We find that the ancient Egyptians has been recorded in the book (gates): (if your bodies will do for you). (if your bones will fuse for you). (you will tend mummy coffins and mummy masks, throw aside) (which freed Idjrkm so enjoy fields (Yarrow) Paradise and the ancient Egyptian photography of the Commission (Yarrow), or AJ Auxerre fields of God as contained in the Book of the Dead spell 110

A river water carried out in blue and between fields (AJ Auxerre), and the deceased and the implants and the water springs of different colors and the deceased to sail freely in these rivers carried by a small boat alone. In some landscapes are his wife behind him in the field (AJ Auxerre)

The landscape is represented by another as he sat in front of a table to eat and drink offerings of food, fruit drinks and pictures of them (the bread - beer - onion - beef - lettuce - ducks - geese) and fruit (grapes, figs, pomegranates

The question? Why imagine the ancient Egyptian paradise in this manner?

I imagine that this paradise under the earth, and the reason that the deceased was buried under the ground in the cemetery and the presence of rivers has stemmed from the drilling of wells and water out of them.

So imagine that this is a paradise for the life of the other bottom of the land irrigated by many rivers including the fields of Auxerre, but what about the form of lakes and the different colors that give the impression to change the taste?

And Itbard to mind what was mentioned in Islam paradise for believers righteous, "but for those who fear their Lord, are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, a gift from God and when God is better for the righteous, " Surat Al-Imran verse 198, and also "These are the limits of God, and obey Allah and His Messenger, be admitted to Gardens Underneath which rivers flow, to dwell therein so great win, "Nisa verse 13

And reported the existence of different rivers in Crabha and taste and colors "and Onhar of milk did not change the taste and rivers of wine delicious to the drinkers," Mohammed 15 also reported on Islam the word "to dwell therein for ever." Evidence-8
It was the ancient Egyptian saying (Heh, Jet) in the sense never to dwell in the ancient Egyptian and ancient Egyptian was paradise Imagine a thumbnail image of Egypt and her eyes. However, this similarity between the description of Paradise in Ancient Egypt and contained in the holy books, to give the right of the human mind to wondering how he responded to the minds of the ancient Egyptian vision of paradise in this picture?
It is reasonable and likely that he taken from the messengers of God Almighty who came to Egypt in the times before the age of the heavenly messages, where he visited many of them as we will see

I think the ancient Egyptian in paradise for the righteous, they think - well - in the fire or hell for the wicked, and I have dubbed (SJ) and its meaning in the ancient Egyptian language (Fire), has imagined the ancient Egyptian were also on papyrus Book of the Dead Spell No. 17

 Lake is a red cast the wicked Vthrq their bodies, represented the secret of the lake, even a sinner can not get out easily. In some views of the lake and surrounded by a thick black wall, has no entrance or exit completely closed. Yet the inward man is missing and it has no way out of them, and surrounded by a dozen snakes from the outside of the deadly snakes Kabra and purpose of the sinner who is trying to escape from the lake of fire. In the four corners of this lake, we find eight or four monkeys sitting on the chair to guard the lake or hell to prevent the wicked to escape and find in some scenes monkey, one for each corner or a bittern in the end to the four aspects of the fire, a sign of (SJ), meaning fire. In the middle of the lake, we find the bodies of the wicked are burned, has become the color black, and without a head

We find that the word (SJ) in ancient Egyptian, close similarities Mourad wrapped in Arabic (clay), one of the names of Hell

Has been received many of the filming or hell-fire in many of the papyri and tomb scenes, although the details differ but the content and origin in one, namely, the burning of photography sinners in the lake of fire Mvsoly the head, bound their arms and in some scenes in the upside-down

Life After Death: Any death of the Baath again Yahya second life, told him of a second that there is life after death, especially when he has not seen a dead matter again and tell him what happened

 Spirit: This is one of the components of the human, which I think they live in the flesh for life, then leave rising to the sky in the form of a bird with the head and face of the deceased, which fired them (Ba), who told him about the spirit, despite being the secret of Allah Almighty had not seen Humans so far reported, (They ask thee concerning the Spirit, the less is the order of the Lord), especially when they have not seen before was one of the dead came from the soul

  spouse: a copy of the human accompanies all his life underground, and meet with him at trial to testify it, for good or evil, because he sees day and night during his life Valgarin which was launched by the Egyptian (ka) knows every nook and cranny with him, was mentioned in the Koran that Everyone is assigned to

Trial or the account: a day of reckoning and retribution, who witnessed (AJ Auxerre) to see the work of the deceased in terms of validity and corruption. The idea of accountability and punishment contained in the monotheistic religions, where it is known that the ancient Egyptian there a day of reckoning and punishment in thethe other world

 * balance and weight of the heart: a yardstick by which to imagine the ancient Egyptian to measure the viability of corruption or rights, and knowledge of being a good or good or evil

    Heart or intention: a source of good or evil in man. Heart and vessel business and being a light free of any sins and the sins guide kindness and goodness and the reward of Paradise and the fact that any heavy full of sinfulness and guilt directory corruption and its evils his fate, or hell-fire

* Paradise (Yarrow): These are the fields of God (AJ Auxerre) Lord of the other world, a reward for the righteous to live a second life Henneip underneath which rivers flow, and the eyes for a drink and live with the gods.

Fire or hell (SJ): a hell or a hell for evil, as punishment for what their hands from the sins committed and sins.

And here and stand with the ancient Egyptian, we find that there is little similarity between the beliefs of the ancient Egyptian and contained in the monotheistic religions, especially Islam resurrection and life and heaven and hell, even though Christianity and Islam began around after 332 years and 940 years after the end of Egyptian civilization, and this is due to the Egypt the land of civilizations, saw visits to many of the prophets of God who carried the messages of the greatest human to human beings so can life on Earth in peace

 Egypt has shown (Sheth), Ben (Adam) peace be upon them the second prophets, and also (Idris) peace be upon him and (Abraham) and his son (Ismail) peace be upon them was married from Egypt, as well as the (James) and his children and them (Joseph) peace be upon them, and grandchildren grandchildren (Moses) - peace be upon him - all these prophets lived through the Egypt of the Pharaohs, and carried the messages of God to man and human rights to remind the public informed of his Creator and Bojbath, rights and role in life. In view of the evolution of the great human race, God was sending his letter one after the other to keep pace with this development and to guide man to the straight path. I have found these messages of the apostles who receives them and selected some of the concepts and their mean priests of ancient Egyptian temples and they mix the old faiths, including learned from during those messages, and there was this strange similarity between the heavenly messages and the Egyptian Almtakdat


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